Please consider helping Bible Records Online in any of the following ways:

Submit Bible Records Submit family Bibles that are in your possession, or those that you can find. Bible Records found in publications printed before 1923 (in US) are in the public domain, and can be freely copied. If you have one (or several) please click the link for submission guidelines.

Transcribe Bible Records: There are many Bible records that I have that are in the public domain, but have not been posted because of my lack of time. There are also several Bibles records on this site with only images, that need to be transcribed. If you can assist in this manner, please contact me for an assignment.

Translate Bible Records: I also have in my possession a number of Bibles where the language is not English. I am a stereotypical American, with almost no skills in another language. Please contact me if you can help out with the following languages: German, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish or Welsh. I am also eager to add Bibles from places other than the United States and Canada.

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